Shot by Matthew Harrison
Photo by Oli Sones –
Photo by Oli Sones –
Coronavirus – A Great British Farce
“This play is just what we needed. Thanks to Joe, I no longer feel quite so alone”
🌟🌟🌟🌟 A Younger Theatre
“The catharsis we all need”
🌟🌟🌟🌟 London Pub Theatres
“Funny, satirical, intelligent”
🌟🌟🌟🌟 Theatre News
Our smash-hit comedy from Camden Fringe 2021 is back on a tour on England in November. Get tickets for shows in London, Brighton, Birmingham and Norwich here:
Come and laugh the trauma away at this dark comedy, inspired by the writer’s ridiculous lockdown diary entries and nominated for an OffWest award. Joe’s stuck in a tiny London flat trying to make sense of the pandemic. One day, whilst watching a government briefing on TV, he decides to answer back. This sets off a surreal conversation with… the Prime Minister? Or maybe it’s his friend on Facebook? Or… maybe it’s his fridge. All Joe knows is, he definitely doesn’t know. The news is confusing – his brain isn’t keeping up.
A previous version of this script won Shakespeare In Italy’s 2021 playwriting competition. It’s like a purging of the strange times we’ve been living through. The play’s two actors take you on a high-energy farcical journey from panic buying to Jackie Weaver via Dominic Cummings, with an unhealthy dose of British gusto thrown in. You could think of this show as an absurdist trip into Joe’s mind that critiques British officialdom’s manic pandemic response, as if Ionesco were writing a Number 10 briefing. Or you could think of it as fun, weird and laugh-out-loud theatre.
This play is therapy. This play is catharsis. This play is GIBBERISH.
Poster designed by Lele Saa –